Friday, September 24, 2010

And so it begins.....

If the best way to diet is to track everything you eat, maybe the best way to make prayer a part of daily life is to track when I pray....

Had a revelation while in adoration today. I usually do adoration at night...not at 2pm. It's a lot quieter at night. I mean, there's quiet....and then there is "absolute absence of anything other than the sound of your breath" silence. When I do adoration at night - it is the latter. Today? Not so much. It was quiet....but an active quiet. I took notice of footfalls, doors shutting, muted chatter down the hall.

So....I am going to do a silent retreat this weekend (Dear Lord, please make sure the boys eat something other than cereal and don't lose limbs by Sunday. Yes, Lord, that includes my husband. Amen). In theory - there are breaks of guidance, but most of this retreat is quiet. Sounds of nature, but not the normal sounds of life. A fast from busyness.

My goal? Tracking my prayer to see how I feel. If it's helpful to my physical body to stay in shape by writing down what I eat and when, what I feel when I eat, then theoretically, my spiritual body should benefit in a similar manner.

I want to pray as a family more. I want to pray more - not just by rote, but with feeling. I want to talk to my Father. I want to pray - not just say - the rosary.

Placeholder post complete. Off to make sure I have everything I need (Bible...check. Clothes....check. Ability to leave everything behind and embrace this opportunity....check back later.)

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