Friday, November 5, 2010

The more you do it, the sooner you'll remember it...

I started Taekwondo last night.  My son has been in it for about a year, so I decided to join the adult group.  This instructor separates by age, not skill level.  Fortunately, I wasn't the only white belt, there is one other.

SO much was thrown at us last night in the hour we had.   6 different positions, 4 different commands in line, chest line, breath out, stretch!!!!

I'll get it.  Eventually.  But I find it interesting....I walked through my house last night (and most of today) doing the front punches...minding my chest line (lest I be, a cat, maybe?).   Why do we not put the same effort into non-physical things?   The same things I was told last night.....know your enemy, know your weaknesses, use your strengths....could all be applied to prayer.  It seems we treat our prayers with a bit of levity - we do the requisite nighttime ones, and add some when we know someone sick or hurting.  I'm smart enough to realize that physical strength only comes through repetition, and from that, muscle memory.  You no longer think about the action - you do it.  Prayer shouldn't be any different.  A bit awkward at first, yes....kinda like "girl" pushups - you stick to the easy prayers.  But if I make myself pray at times that aren't normal/natural....eventually they will become natural...building my spiritual muscle, if you will.....

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Happy New Year!!

What's that?  Well, yes, I am aware it's November.  No, I haven't completely lost my mind.

I'm one of those people that sets a date to start something, whether eating healthier, or reading more.  I usually pick a first of the month, or beginning of the week.  I'm also one of those people that if it doesn't work out, I just kill the whole week.   For example, last week on Monday I decided to really work on what I was eating.  Monday didn't go as planned, so instead of saying, "Ok, I'll just do better tomorrow", I decided the whole week was shot, and I would just try again the following Monday.  Another example? I thought Monday, All Saint's Day, would be a perfect day to get back in the bible reading, blog posting groove.  Didn't happen, and my initial reaction was to just try again next week, instead of trying again Tuesday. 

Not the best way to go about doing things.  I've really let myself get into a funk this past month....I'm not sure if it's the time of year or what, but it seems a more than normal amount of my friends are having the same problem, too.

So, today, a random Thursday in November, is my New Year.  And my first resolution is to break my "goal starting date" issues.   Mission accomplished!  Second resolution is to appreciate the small things that bring joy, and let go of the big things that aggravate me, but I have no control over.

I was staying at home yesterday, all set for a nap I really really really wanted, when the library called.  Had I forgotten it was Books on Wheels day?  Crap.  Yeah, I did.  So, I threw my shoes on and rushed over.  I was not happy....that I had forgotten, that I wasn't going to get any sleep.   I changed my mood real quick when I got to the ladies at The Manor.  What in the world was I grumpy about?  I can get out of the house, I can get out of bed, I can go to the library!!   Spending just a small amount of time with folks who can't do most of that anymore put things in perspective for me.  That was the little light in the birdhouse of my soul that I needed!

Even in the almost month I haven't posted, I have been praying daily.  Especially with my son.  He keeps me on track.  He received a nice bookmark at our All Saint's party that has all of the prayers of the rosary on it.  We'll be starting that this week.  My hope is that by introducing prayer to him early, and showing him that we don't just pray when we need something, as he grows he'll have prayer as an integral part of his life, in good times and bad, as a comfort for himself, and to give others.

Today's Readings

Philippians 3:3-8, Psalm 105:2-7, Luke 15: 1-10